Diploma Payment Plan

PCL Diploma Payment Plan

PCL Diploma (standard diploma including just courses)

6 month payment plan - £549.82 / month (10% additional cost)
12 month payment plan - £287.40 / month (15% additional cost)

PCL Diploma Plus (includes 10 professional development sessions)

6 month payment plan - £659.82 / month (10% additional cost)
12 month payment plan - £344.90 / month (15% additional cost)

PCL Diploma Premium (includes 6 half-day One to One tuition sessions)

6 month payment plan - £843.15 / month (10% additional cost)
12 month payment plan - £440.73 / month (15% additional cost)


Payments can be made by the following methods:

Debit Card (UK)
Credit Card (AMEX / VISA / Mastercard) - 3% payment fee
International Card - 3% payment fee
Internet Banking / BACS
Overseas students will have to pay an additional £30 per monthly instalment

We will send you an email including a payment link, when each payment is due.


Terms & Conditions

The payment plan must be completed within a year / before you finish the diploma.
The value of courses attended can't exceed what has been paid so far.

Overseas students need to pay 3 months in advance if using a payment plan.


For further questions, please don't hesitate to call us on 020 7729 1936.
You can also send an email to info@photographycourselondon.com, or visit our Shoreditch office.



Click our contact below to chat on WhatsApp. Alternatively call us on (+44) 020 7729 1936 or email info@photographycourselondon.com
